
木彫 鬼は外、福は内

A wood Oni and Fuku

《 NO. 》 NO.  ob200
《 寸法:㎝ 》 Size (㎝) 
13.5 x H10.5 (cm)
《 価格 》 Price:  ¥ 275,000.- (税込)
《 状態など 》 Description
It looks like Fuku(the good fortune) in the Masu(a square wooden cup )is throwing beans at the ogres.

Setsubun is the event held to pray for our happy and healthy life. It is held on Feb 3th or 4th. On that day, we throw away beans with saying "Devils out! Happiness in!"
This is called "Mame-maki" (Mame means beans, maki means throwing away.)
And people eat beans as numbers as their age.

With a signature Katsuhiro(勝廣)
Higashi Katsuhiro is a master craftsman of Ichii-Itto bori.

